treating cancer with hope.

Cancer creates needs.

Has cancer impacted you, or somebody you love?


We trust in our medical professionals, recommended treatment options, and clinical trials. When available, we turn to community resources to help meet practical needs.

Mental Health

We turn to expert counselors and psychologists who listen, encourage and offer strategies to cope.

brevity canada isn’t trying to replicate or replace well established cancer resources in our communities. We’re focused on the inherent Spiritual need that accompanies cancer.

At brevity canada, we believe that

TRUE hope and TRUE peace in a cancer journey can’t be provided by a psychologist, surgeon or oncologist.

Our mission is…

To connect, support, and boldy bring the love and HOPE of Jesus

to those impacted by cancer in our communities.

We believe that there is power in shared experience and power in community.

“For where two or three gather in my name, there I am among them.”

Matthew 18:20