Cancer Support

The Battle.

My name is Jamie Coverdale.

On September 9, 2019, just months after her 40th birthday, my wife Angela was diagnosed with a rare, and aggressive cancer - small bowel adenocarcinoma.

Between 2019 and 2022, she endured 3 major surgeries, 4 minor surgeries and countless rounds of chemotherapy and naturopathic treatments. As followers of Jesus, we desperately prayed for healing. We begged God to intervene.

The Vision.

In January 2022, as Angela recovered from a major surgery, I had renewed awareness of how brief our earthly lives are. Psalm 144:4 resounded strongly, as did a specific word - brevity. Within the Bible, God provides numerous analogies of just how short our lives on this earth are. To me, brevity means; living daily with keen awareness that our time is limited, and as followers of Christ, this is not our home.

Over time, and in prayer, I felt prompted with a vision for supportive, faith based and missional community groups which would connect those impacted by cancer.

Over the months that followed, Angela’s cancer suddenly progressed. In the midst of the struggle, together, we continued to trust God and took steps forward with an expanded vision of what has now formed to be brevity canada.

This was a vision that Angela and I truly believed we would be pursuing together. God’s plan, however, differed greatly from our own.

The Hope.

In her final days, Angela continued to believe in the need for brevity and encouraged me to continue moving forward.

My heart is for those impacted by cancer, and the spiritual need that is so often unmentioned. I believe in the importance of establishing connection and support in the communities where we live and work. This is why I have chosen to step forward. I’m here to contribute and serve in a battle against the hopelessness, isolation, fear, and despair that cancer can bring. Has cancer impacted you?

I invite you to join me in this battle and on this mission.

Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy.
— Psalm 126:5
And so, Lord, where do I put my hope? My only hope is in you.
— Psalm 39:7